The problem with local tournaments

When I was a kid, the State Am was a big deal. It was the 80s and there were real newspapers covering the event with full-page pictures and multiple articles providing insight to the Anchorage spectacle. The winner each year got a lot of attention and was a bit of a hero to local golfers. […]

Shavasana is my favorite yoga pose

There is no better feeling than reaching the end of a yoga practice and hearing the instructor tell you to go into relaxation pose, or Shavasana. That feeling of splaying your arms and legs out on the ground and letting your body relax after a challenging session. Of course, Shavasana wouldn’t feel so good if […]

Would Mark Twain have been a blogger?

Mark Twain wasn’t always a writer. He wrote professionally as a young man, but pursued other careers, only returning to writing when those other professions failed him. So, if Mark Twain wrote primarily for money, it’s fair to ask whether he would have wasted time blogging. Supposedly, some bloggers make money, but few do right […]