Nevala, the musical mower man

While some are bemoaning their early tee time in the AGB Cup today, there is one hearty trooper who will be up with the sun to mow the greens for a tournament he will also play in. Matt Nevala will finish mowing greens at Anchorage Golf Course around 7:30 a.m., run home for a shower and a snack then tee off in the last group at 9 a.m.

Nevala is a passionate 13-handicap who relishes the time he won a team tournament as the A-player. Another experience that rivals that victory for favorite Alaska golf memory was the time in the late 90’s, when mowers were still riding style, that Nevala kept his eye on a bald eagle lurking over his shoulder, plotting an attack on Nevala’s head.

Those who follow Nevala on social media are treated to comical, revamped song lyrics posted each morning Nevala cuts grass. One such example from around 4 a.m. Saturday:

“Poor, poor pitiful me. Poor, poor pitiful mow.”

Whether today’s AGB Cup attracts any more bald eagles or generates another tournament victory for Nevala, there is no doubt the long-time golf lover will contribute to everyone else having a good time.

“I keep lookin’ over my shoulder and peepin’ round corners, my mower is playin’ tricks on me,” read another of his recent posts.