What Mickey Wright’s death just taught me

Mickey Wright is a name of a woman golfer I heard about over the years, but didn’t know much about. Her golfing prime was well before my time and I’ve seen little to no media coverage of her over the years.

Still, when news of her death surfaced today, I remembered her name as one of the greats and it was fun to look her up and find out what a great swing she had. Apparently, Ben Hogan thought it was the best swing he ever saw, man or woman. Obviously, Wright was more than just one of the greats.

I recommend looking Wright up today and watching some videos of her swing. She gave a great tip in one of them about remembering to take the club away low and slow to help generate great power. The drill she used was to place a tee in the ground directly behind her ball, about a foot away, then drag her club back low on that line and make sure to knock the tee down on the takeaway to set up her powerful swing.

I worked on a similar swing thought just last summer and can assure you, it works. I just hope I don’t forget about it when summer rolls around.