Tournament season is coming soon

Starting next weekend, a golfer could play in a tournament every weekend until September. If you have a full-time job, that might be an exhausting proposition. If your game is in bad shape, it could be an embarrassing proposition.

It could also be expensive, considering entry fees to tournaments are usually between $200 and $500. Still, Alaskan golf courses will be in about as good a shape as they are gonna get for this season over the next month or two, so now is the time to show off your skills and try to win some hardware.

Next week is the Senior State Am at Palmer Golf Course. There are divisions in place for non-seniors as well. The following weekend is the Arctic Valley Open, which is essentially the Moose Run course championship.

The goal here at the AGB is to keep everyone up to speed on results from as many tournaments as possible. Covering events isn’t always easy, so the process remains in experimental mode. I plan to play in the Arctic Valley Open and might try out a more personal, first-person approach to the coverage. We shall see.

If I happen to be around at a tournament and don’t interview you, don’t take it personal. I am going to make interviews a low priority this year. If they are convenient, I’ll do them, but I won’t be chasing people down.